Sunday, August 12, 2007

Greek and James: God's Grace and Mercy

I'm going to be relying heavily on the Lord's grace and mercy over the next two weeks.

In the Greek course, we will be reviewing after only 10 days of class...

  • Greek alphabet and diacritical marks
  • present verbs
  • imperfect verbs
  • subjunctive mood
  • contract verb forms
  • the gender, number and case of nouns and articles
  • personal pronouns
  • relative pronouns
  • demonstrative pronouns
  • adverbial and substantival participles

This next week Iwill be introducing...

  • capital letters
  • forms of εἰμί ('to be' verbs)
  • prepositions
  • infinitives
  • the gender of participles
  • and giving the first exam

So what does this have to do with James? Well, nothing, except that I will be preparing at the same time for my preaching responsibilities over the next two weeks at the international church here.

Here is what I have communicated to the church...

If you would like to prepare to hear God's word over the next two Sundays at the English morning service, the sermons will come from the Letter of James. It might be the most helpful if you try to read James as a coherent whole and not as a collection of unrelated topics. From James, we will continue to hear what we were hearing this morning. As it was summarized at the end of the message today, our faith comes from and is directed towards Jesus from beginning to end.

And the sermon titles for the next two Sundays...

  • 19 August: "James on God's grace in the believer's life journey"
  • 26 August: "James on God's mercy in the believer's judgment"

Consider it all joy,



jdarlack said...

Nice. Any possibility of MP3's of these sermons?

Zephyr said...

Maybe. I'll look into it.