Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Planned Reading Categories

One of the new disciplines I have begun with the new year has been to follow a planned reading schedule across a variety of categories. In the past I have tended to focus my reading and research too narrowly on one topic to theexclusion of other areas. To combat this tendency, I have decided to pinpoint a significant number of reading categories and follow a plan to read in each category every week. To succeed in this I must read in several categories each day. Here are the reading categories that I have outlined so far in addition to daily Bible reading...
  1. Hermeneutics
  2. Theology
  3. New Testament
  4. Letter of James
  5. Textual Criticism
  6. Greek
  7. Early Church
  8. Historical Christianity
  9. Old Testament
  10. Jewish Backgrounds
  11. Linguistics
  12. Papuan Languages
  13. Discourse Analysis
  14. Translation Theory
  15. Missiology
  16. Teaching Theory
  17. Marriage & Family
  18. Men & Accountability
  19. Book Reviews
Obviously, a lot of these categories are closely related or overlapping, and there may be a surprising lack of fiction and other areas to some people. Well, this is the plan for now. I may adjust it quarterly, and if I find that it's too difficult to read in this many areas every week, or if it's too weird to only come back to a book once or twice a week, I'll adjust the schedule. For the first week of the year, however, I got through all the categories in 6 days and it worked just fine to pick up where I had left off 6 days earlier.

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