One of the new disciplines I have begun with the new year has been to follow a planned reading schedule across a variety of categories. In the past I have tended to focus my reading and research too narrowly on one topic to the
exclusion of other areas. To combat this tendency, I have decided to pinpoint a significant number of reading categories and follow a plan to read in each category every week. To succeed in this I must read in several categories each day. Here are the reading categories that I have outlined so far in addition to daily Bible reading...- Hermeneutics
- Theology
- New Testament
- Letter of James
- Textual Criticism
- Greek
- Early Church
- Historical Christianity
- Old Testament
- Jewish Backgrounds
- Linguistics
- Papuan Languages
- Discourse Analysis
- Translation Theory
- Missiology
- Teaching Theory
- Marriage & Family
- Men & Accountability
- Book Reviews
Obviously, a lot of these categories are closely related or overlapping, and there may be a surprising lack of fiction and other areas to some people. Well, this is the plan for now. I may adjust it quarterly, and if I find that it's too difficult to read in this many areas every week, or if it's too weird to only come back to a book once or twice a week, I'll adjust the schedule. For the first week of the year, however, I got through all the categories in 6 days and it worked just fine to pick up where I had left off 6 days earlier.
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